Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM


2011-05-30 Addons
Description: WhatsUp.NET is a standalone downloader for Miranda addons. Features: Download up to 10 addons at once Optional extract to a specified directory Delete downloaded addons (manually) Open addon URL for a complete description Update backend files which are older than 24 hours Search category for an addon Search Addons website (Miranda IM or Google search) Show last 15 new and updated addons Usage: Browse to the desired category Continue reading

Miranda Skin Studio 0.8.5.b2

2011-03-09 Addons
Description: На данном этапе программа поддерживает создание скинов для плагина Clist Modern, Tipper YM. Основные возможности: • Создание скина визуальным путём. • Просмотр скина в процессе его создания. • Созданный с помощью программы скин избавлен от всякого мусора. • Возможность правильного выравнивания изображений. • Интуитивный интерфейс взаимодействия с пользователем. • Возможность редактирования уже созданных скинов. • На создание скина (при наличии изображений) уйдёт менее 10 минут. Данная программа не заменима для начинающих скин-мэйкеров, а так же тех, кому создание скинов через блокнот доставляет много головной боли. Continue reading

Themer (111) [for MIM 0.8 only] 1.2

2010-04-30 Addons
Description: With this patch you can apply all design setings (themes) at one move. Actually, an extrator.exe extracts nothing but design settings from a selected ini file, and put them as an autoexec_*.ini file. For more details see readme. Contains plugins, applications and ideas by these peole: Igor Abakumov, Awkward, Eblis, P. Boon, Ricardo Pescuma, George Hazan, Unsane, Mataes, Kiwi0Fruit. Plugins: ¤ Actman.dll v. - Action manager ¤ Folders.dll v. Continue reading

Miranda imo2sproxy preloader 0.3.0

2009-11-17 Addons
Description: This is a simple program that loads the "imo to Skype proxy" file (imo2sproxy) before running miranda. Usage: Copy the file ml.exe inside the miarnda im folder. Click on ml.exe to start the program. If there is no ml.ini file in the same directory, the program will ask for configuration parameters (see the imo2sproxy documentation for more details). If ml.ini already exist, the program will load into memory imo2sproxy. Continue reading

Miranda IM AIR Translator 0.3.0

2009-08-20 Addons
Description: A little nice tool that generates miranda language files easly and with the help of the google translate service. I wrote it using the new Adobe AIR (http://www.adobe.com/products/air). The application can run on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux! To install and run it, you first need to install Adobe AIR or… you can just click on the badge i posted on the Miranda IM Install&Go website at this address: Continue reading

Miranda KillProcess 1.2

2009-08-15 Addons
Description: Some users couldn’t solve the problem that after shutting down Miranda it is still running in the backround as a process. This tool kills the process simply by doubleclick, so it isn’t necessary to make it with taskmanager. tested only under vista32! Download

Simply qip2asl smiles converter 1.0

2009-02-19 Addons
Description: Converts qip’s *.ini file in smile’s diretry to *.asl file, which can be used in Miranda. Just put this jar-file in directory, which containt smile-pictures and qip’s ini-file, and run it. Download

Miranda smiley pack editor 1.03

2008-10-16 Addons
Description: ‘Miranda smiley pack editor’ is a program for editing smiley packs is ASL format Key Features: Re-sotring smilies using Drag&Drop, by buttons or keyboard; Preview with animation support; Ability to edit smiley pack settings and comments; Smiley search; Smiley packs merge; Bug check; Bilingual interface; Limitations: ALS-file and smileys must be in one folder; Comments can be placed only at the beginning of the file. System Requirements: .NET Framework 2. Continue reading

Miranda Translator.NET 1.1.0

2008-06-15 Addons
Description: Miranda Translator.NET is a helper application for translators to maintain their translations in an easy and efficient way. Functions of Miranda Translator includes: Capturing translateable words from source codes (For both Miranda and plugins, support C/C++, RC and Pascal/Delphi sources) Capturing translateable words from langpack txt provided by plugins (Rename the extension of file to txr) Import of translated words from old langpacks and langpack-formatted text files Updater FLID support Continue reading
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