Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Tut.by Connection icons 1.0

2009-12-01 Addons
Description: Since Tut.by use Google, you can use your Tut.by mail account as Google Talk account and setup it in Miranda as Jabber account. Here the connection icons for it. Main icon is taken from Tut.by favicon. Connection rollover is found in the Internet. These icons are copyright of their respective owners. Please note: if you has INTERNAL account name different from TutBy, you MUST rename iconpack .dll to match your account name. Continue reading

Tut.by icons 1.0

2009-12-01 Addons
Description: Since Tut.by use Google, you can use your Tut.by mail account as Google Talk account and setup it in Miranda as Jabber account. Here the status icons for it. Main icon is taken from Tut.by favicon. Overlay icons are taken from dEM(tm) Status Icons pack by by Ducho Chanev (http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3306). These icons are copyright of their respective owners. Please note: if you has INTERNAL account name different from TutBy, you MUST select this iconpack in Miranda settings (Customize - Icons - Status - <internal account name>) to be shown. Continue reading

Miranda imo2sproxy preloader 0.3.0

2009-11-17 Addons
Description: This is a simple program that loads the "imo to Skype proxy" file (imo2sproxy) before running miranda. Usage: Copy the file ml.exe inside the miarnda im folder. Click on ml.exe to start the program. If there is no ml.ini file in the same directory, the program will ask for configuration parameters (see the imo2sproxy documentation for more details). If ml.ini already exist, the program will load into memory imo2sproxy. Continue reading

StarSound 2.1

2009-10-27 Addons
Description: Sound pack inspired by PC Game StarCraft for your messenger signalizing you incoming transmissions, status of your contacts and so on. Totaly 20 files in 22kHz quality. This Miranda ICQ sound pack was made with help of AT&T natural voice Demo. Download

MF for ieview 1.4

2009-10-25 Addons
Description: Template for Miranda IM-MF. features: animated smileys (SmileyAdd), background image in chat window, transparent background messages, tZer support (over text) —— new versions are always here: http://code.google.com/p/mf-project/ Download

ChatZilla smileys 1.1

2009-10-24 Addons
Description: This is a pack of all the ChatZilla smileys. The regexs were extracted from the contentchatzillamungers.js file. I didn’t like how I couldn’t see the familiar ChatZilla smileys, so I made it myself. Download

The Simpsons Skin for Modern Clist 1

2009-10-20 Addons
Description: A Skin that makes the modern contact list look like the simpson’s television. On the screenshot the simpsons font is used wich you can download at http://www.dafont.com/simpsonfont.font I also recommend to change the font colors in your contact list (the skin doesn’t change the colors.) The Simpsons yellow: FEDA12 254,218,18 The Simpsons red: ED3133 237,49,51 Download

ALIEN Icon Pack for MSN

2009-10-16 Addons
Description: ALIEN Status Icon Pack for MSN. I use most common color scheme: Green is for Online Black is for Offline White is for Invisible (many original clients) Orange is for Away (inspiration from MSN) Blue is for NA (inspiration from Tlen and other client) Red is for DND (inspiration from MSN/Tlen/ICQ and other client) Yellow is for Free for chat (inspiration from ICQ and other client) Try it ! Continue reading
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