Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

InstallMaker 0.1a

2002-11-25 Addons
Description: Allows developers to easily create an NSIS installer for their Miranda add-on. InstallMaker itself is an extension to NSIS’ zip2exe. The installer that is created by InstallMaker automatically locates the Miranda installation directory and extracts the files to one of several predefined subdirectories. It also closes Miranda before extracting files, to avoid errors when overwriting active plugins. After installation, Miranda is restarted. The purpose of this is to simplify the distribution of themes and plugins that consist of Continue reading

SpiffyYAHOObyfloink 0.2

2002-09-25 Addons
Description: A set of Yahoo based icons. both XP and Win2k icons in same file. By request from Rako… I haven’t had the possibility to try them out under WinXp myself but they should work with shadows. If you want to have the 256Colour icons in the taskbar, use the patch from: http://www.dr-hoiby.com/TrayIconIn256Color/ I used the open/close icons from mugzLESS without asking (because I like them ;)). If you want them removed, send me a mail. Continue reading

MariAnna 2.1

2002-07-02 Addons
Description: Small (16 x 16px.) icon set composed of marijuana leafs, seeds and occasional joint. Original icon set is based on Cannabis Indica leafs. Added new icon set, based on Cannabis Sativa leafs. Highly visible. Special Thanks go to NETknightX! Please, everybody who has any bug reports - write to my e-mail address (tazmanche@hotmail.com) and include in your e-mails screenshots of what exactly did not look OK, because I have an XP, no 2K around and it is a bit hard to work over this version. Continue reading

AT&T 1.04

2002-05-12 Addons
Description: This set consists of simple, small, pixled dudes. The inspiration and style for the status icons came from AT&T’s instant messenger, hence the name. It’s also quite simplistic; perfect for Miranda! Download
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