Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Spike's Icon Men 1.0

2003-08-08 Addons
Description: Replacement icon set for Miranda. Includes default contact icons, main icons and IRC icons. The ZIP file also includes four colour coded icon sets for people who use more than protocol (green, blue, yellow and red). This icon set is based on NETKnightX’s "Individual" icons. Download

bubbles 2.0

2003-08-04 Addons
Description: bubbles icons for any protocol (i.e. 10 icons) in 5 different colors (yellow, green, red, blue, white) in xp-style and 256 colors Download

GreyScale 1.0b

2003-07-30 Addons
Description: GreyScale icon-set for Miranda =============================== inspired by honz’s GrayScale skin for Trillian download: http://honz.hoverdesk.net/trillian.htm screenshot: http://screenshots.haque.net/screenshots/view/4574/screenshot-4574.jpg Thank: I would like to thank honz for his wonderful skin and Adam Isler for giving me permission to use his list-icon. jim_phelps (jim_phelps@kaffee-flash.de) Download

Individual 1.1

2003-07-15 Addons
Description: Some new icons I made that depict a little IM guy, since I got tired at looking at the default built-in ones. Included are 16-colour, 256-colour, and 32-bit colour versions. The 16-colour and 256-colour version uses the Windows 95/98 colour palette. The 32-bit version is for Windows XP only. Download
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