Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

XMLparse_history (PHP) 1.0

2003-09-10 Addons
Description: A php script that parses the history generated by XML History made by JMG. I’ve tried to comment the code as best as I could, but you will figur it out. [Added] To use the script, just include the page to your page with include or require and run for example: $history = parse_history_users( ‘path_to_xml_file’ ); Examin the $history and you will see how it works. :) Continue reading

IRC Hinter

2003-09-04 Addons
Description: Hint window for IRC-protocol for Miranda. It may help user to use IRC codes like Ctrl+B for bold text, colored text ets. very easy! Now it is support smiley! There is "Send" button, wich can replace standart IRC "Send" button. Download

Orginal Miranda 0.3 Icons 0.2

2003-09-03 Addons
Description: I just made a Iconset out of Miranda 0.3! Its for those who want to use Miranda 0.3.1 with the old icons. For MSN-On_the_phone I createt a replacement with fits a lot better. There are also included all icons as .ico-files to import them in the miranda32.exe (with e.g. Microangelo) Download
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