Description: A php script that parses the history generated by XML History made by JMG. I’ve tried to comment the code as best as I could, but you will figur it out. [Added] To use the script, just include the page to your page with include or require and run for example:
$history = parse_history_users( ‘path_to_xml_file’ ); Examin the $history and you will see how it works. :)
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Description: Hint window for IRC-protocol for Miranda. It may help user to use IRC codes like Ctrl+B for bold text, colored text ets. very easy! Now it is support smiley! There is "Send" button, wich can replace standart IRC "Send" button.
Description: I just made a Iconset out of Miranda 0.3!
Its for those who want to use Miranda 0.3.1 with the old icons.
For MSN-On_the_phone I createt a replacement with fits a lot better.
There are also included all icons as .ico-files to import them in the miranda32.exe (with e.g. Microangelo)