Description: A PHP mySQL based quick&dirty(!!) coded Miranda ICQ web Gateway
parses the XML history into a sql database
sends the msg’s over extsend plugin
just try it and send me some suggestions or bugreportings
Description: Inspired by Mac OS X and NETknightX’s Faux Aqua 2.01 Icon Set. These 32-bit icons for Miranda Instant Messenger ( have been designed for WindowsXP. They look best using the included background, originally supplied by NETknightX in said Faux Aqua Icon Set.
~Zip file
1. Extract the downloadable zip file to your main Miranda directory
1. In Miranda open Miranda IM Options, Contact List, Icons, Import Icons
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Description: A set of icons for a lot of protocol (AIM, BattleNet, EmLan, Gadu-Gadu, ICQ, ICQcorp, IRC, Jabber, MSN, NetSend, Tlen, VyChat, Yahoo) and global status.
Description: Some time ago I developed MTF Parser wrote in Java which combined a lot of MTF files into one Miranda Language Pack. This package is something similar but for phpBB2. Now users can download what the want, not whole Langpack. Demo of this script can be found here:
Note that this is beta version and there are still some bugs.. Also, tehre is no real documentation or instruction how to install.
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