Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

InstallMaker 0.1b

2004-07-05 Addons
Description: Allows developers to easily create an NSIS installer for their Miranda add-on. InstallMaker itself is an extension to NSIS’ zip2exe. The installer that is created by InstallMaker automatically locates the Miranda installation directory and ex.. Download

WhoIsReading... Parser (PHP) 0.1

2004-06-20 Addons
Description: PHP-script for parsing the logged file from the WhoIsReadingMyStatusMsg plugin (should work with most versions, with some modification to the variables, they are set for the latest version). Anyways if you for some reason want to present the logged resultats in your file in a formated matter, i think this should do it. CAUTION: This is in a experimental stadium. The Setting can not contain 2 vars. NOT seperated by a space or a char. Continue reading

SCARF Icons for Miranda IM 0.2

2004-06-15 Addons
Description: A set of icons for various protocols (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN, GaduGadu, Jabber, IRC, TLEN, QQ, LAN and Weather), including global- and main-icons. Uniform in theme and shape, where colours indicate the various protocols and symbols indicate the current status. Download

Ball Icons (Trillian-like) 1.0

2004-06-14 Addons
Description: I just liked the way Trillian used to display contacts - by using colored balls where the color indicates the chat medium. Since I did not want to do a 1:1 copy of Trillian’s icons I just started from scratch usin Photoshop and Microangelo and came up with this. They are not particularly nasty so one might use them :) Download
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