Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

periferral iconpack

2006-07-03 Addons
Description: Includes several protocol icons and some plugin icons. Connection icons are available for certain protocols as well. View screenshot for complete list. A big thanks to JyriK for letting me use his weather icons as a part of my set. Updater support is included, however updater currently does not support icons and theme. I am working with sje to get this in but he’s tied down saving the world, 1 plugin at a time. Continue reading

Miranda IM Password Decoder

2006-06-02 Addons
Description: This is a command-line utility with wildcard support, which searches all your Miranda IM databases (by default), grabs the passwords and decodes them for you. It’s way faster than trying to bruteforce a password, since we used the original Miranda IM algo. Comments, suggestions, … always welcome. Enjoy! Download

Cristal Full 0.12

2006-05-31 Addons
Description: contains: Global iconpacks. Main iconpack. Protocol iconpacks: ICQ, MSN, AIM, Jabber, IRC, GaduGadu, MetaContacts, Tlen,Mail.ru agent QQ, Yahoo, RSS, Weather,WebView, mTV, Skype, WorldTime, Ping, WinPopup, C6, battle.net, mRadio. Proto_connect icons for all protocol iconpacks.Need clist_mw or clist_modern instaled http://img29.imageshack.us/my.php?image=connect4yl.gif Extra iconpack for clist_mw & clist_modern Put all items from above in "icons" folder in your Miranda directory. tabSRMM iconpack (change with IconLib or put it in "plugins" folder) Continue reading

Phoenity-Miranda Weather Icon Set 0.1.300

2006-05-17 Addons
Description: Icon for Weather Protocol in Phoenity style! Icon format: 16*16, 32bits+alpha (Win Xp) 16*16, 256 colors (8bit) Connection icon included only in 32bits format. Ideated By cheeaun Developed By zappo.drago.tappo ######################## http://www.phoenity.com http://www.mezzapinta.info Download
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