Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

hmmXP for clist_modern 1.0

2009-02-08 Addons
Description: A Miranda IM skin for Contact List Modern Layered, to match hmmXP VS (http://fugacious.deviantart.com/art/HmmXP-2-0-1-5514034) by ~fugacious (http://fugacious.deviantart.com/) I used ~cTn’s (http://ctn.deviantart.com/) XPMC Classic skin (http://ctn.deviantart.com/art/XPMC-classic-2-0-1-50972110) as a template, creds are in order. Installation instuctions are included in the file, along with the fonts I use (AvantGarde). Enjoy. :) Download
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