Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Madman with Shiny Balls 2.0

2009-07-29 Addons
Description: Essentailly of a rehash of Madman with Shiny Balls version 1. This time his balls are perhaps a little bigger, and without a shadow of a doubt, slightly shinier. Unzip the files to your skins folder. Again I should give Szandor some credit, as it was his excellent Vista skin I originally pulled apart and reworked to create the first Shiny Balls. Download

Black is Beautiful

2009-05-11 Addons
Description: Ported skin for clist_modern layered, thanks Lode Vanhove for his Adium Contact List Style. http://www.adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=xtras&xtra_id=2461 Font: Tahoma Bold, but still not look like Adium font. I used this icons http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4027 Download
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