Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

MF-Horse LR+DL v2.1

2009-10-16 Addons
Description: =====ENG==== Skin for any position (left-right). In order to avatar in "my details" are not offset by a horse, you need: open Settings> Skins> My detail-mark- align right.:) =====RUS===== Скин для любого положения (слева-справа). Для того чтобы аватарка в "моих деталях не перекрывалась коняшкой, нужно: открыть Настройки>Скины>Мои детали -Ставим галочку- выровнять справа. :) Download

KOLOBOK For IEView. Original 3.5

2009-10-12 Addons
Description: Pack of animated smileys for use with IEView plugin. Should be compatible with ICQ, QIP clients and other popular code. All the smiles were drawn by me. Recommend to use option on IEViwe plugin: only replace isolated smiles. Download

Integrity for Popup+ 0.2

2009-10-07 Addons
Description: Integrates nicely with Windows Vista/7. Ability to turn on/off avatar display, use of custom colors, and displaying avatar over clock (hides the clock). Also check out Integrity skin for Modern Contact List and Tipper YM. Download

Integrity for TabSRMM 1

2009-10-05 Addons
Description: The Integrity skin for the tabsrmm message window. Thanks to eugene who created the original integrity theme for Modern Contact List. http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=4164 Download
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