Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Black Mesa MoP 1.02

March 11, 2010 Addons
Description: Modification of Black Mesa Skin (http://valkyre.deviantart.com/art/Black-Mesa-v3-43769540) main Changes in Buttons used. Huge ones were replaced and put into the ones at the top. Also added "hidden" buttons to disable Popups and/or NewStatusNotify. Just check it out and tell me what you think. You can also request additional/changed Buttons. Changes plannen: -include font definition -sound on/off button (-special markers for idle supported with http://home.arcor.de/legoking/mp/clist_modern.zip) Download

Square Avatars 1.1

March 8, 2010 Addons
Description: This is a set of Default Avatars for: AIM, Facebook, GaduGadu, ICQ, IRC, LAN, MSN, MySpace, RSS, Skype, Tlen, Twitter, XFire, XMPP (Jabber) and Yahoo Download
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