Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

MSN 8.5 Emoticons 1.0 繁體中文 1.0

2009-09-21 Addons
Description: bluebeat’s MSN 8.5 Emoticons 1.0 [Chinese Traditional] bluebeat’s MSN 8.5 Emoticons 1.0 [繁體中文] 這個MSN表情符號是翻譯自 http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3713 注意事項: 1.此附件內容只有.asl檔,不包含表情符號 2.MSN表情符號可到MSN官方網站下載http://messenger.msn.com/Resource/Emoticons.aspx, 跟asl檔放同一個目錄內即可 3.表情符號可能會用到 SmileyAdd http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2455 Download

ICQ 6.5.1024 Smilies 0.1

2009-08-01 Addons
Description: Original Smilies from ICQ 6.5 build 1024 with exact shortcuts. Compatible{tested} with ICQ and QIP !!! Only for Light skin version. I’ll be trying to do transparent background but later when i found tutorial how to do it :) Download

Mini KOLOBOK For Miranda. Original 1.0

2009-07-28 Addons
Description: Pack of NEW animated smileys "Mini Series" 16x16 px: (Used in QIP PDA, Jimm, Mail.ru Agent) for use with IEView or SmileyAdd plugin. Should be compatible with ICQ, QIP clients and other popular code. All the smiles were drawn by me. Recommend to use option: only replace isolated smiles. Download

Onion Club Emoticons (for SmileyAdd) 1.30

2009-06-18 Addons
Description: [EN] Pack of 54 funny animated anime guys, drawn by Onion Club. Uses alternative keywords (:sad:, :sleep:, :tired:), so classic text smileys are not touched. [RU] Пак, включающий в себя 54 забавных анимированных персонажа в стиле аниме, нарисованных Onion Club. Использует альтернативные ключевые слова (:оченьзол:, :э?:, :ЛОЛШТО:), что позволяет оставить классические текстовые смайлы нетронутыми. Feel free to contact me: telobyte@gmail.com Download

BIG KOLOBOK For Miranda. Original 1.0

2009-04-29 Addons
Description: Pack of NEW animated smileys "BIG Series": (Used in ICQ 6.5 by ICQ. Ltd) for use with IEView plugin. Should be compatible with ICQ, QIP clients and other popular code. All the smiles were drawn by me. Recommend to use option on IEViwe plugin: only replace isolated smiles. Download

Gadu-Gadu 8(Nowe Gadu-Gadu) 1.1

2009-04-22 Addons
Description: [EN] Animated emots from oryginal Gadu-Gadu 8(New Gadu-Gadu) communicator to smilleyadd with ieview. I try to made this pack to akt as identical as it possible with oryginal GG8, so it will not ignore local characters errors. [PL] Animowane emotki z GG 8(Nowe Gadu-Gadu) do smilleyadd z ieview Starałem się zachować 100% zgodność z orginałęm, więc paczka nie wybaczy błędów z polskimi znaczkami. Stwierdziłem, że jest chyba lepiej widzieć dokładnie to samo co rozmówca z zainstalowanym adware’m pt. Continue reading
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