Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Yahoo 7 in Spanish (ONLY ASL!!!) 2.0

2005-09-06 Addons
Description: This is the asl file only, if you want the anigift you have to take then from the original yahoo messenger 7 for copyright problems. ———————————– Es solamente el archivo ASL, para obtener los emoticones los tiene que obtener del yahoo messenger original por problemas de copyright. Download

Gadu-Gadu emoticons (ONLY .asl file) 1.2

2005-08-23 Addons
Description: This file is using Standard gadu-gada emoticons. So you must have these standard gadu-gadu client installed. Copy unzipped file (GaduGadu.asl) to your ’emots’ folder of your installation of Gadu-Gadu (By default c:/Program Files/Gadu-Gadu/emots/). Then point to this file from IEView settings pane in Miranda Preferences - ‘Emoticons’ tabsheet. This set of icons does not contain emoticons containg spaces. Such emoticons are not supported by Miranda. These emoticons are: <z jezorem>, <pokazal jezyk>, <urwanie glowy>, <buja w oblokach>, <czyta gazete>, <do bani> , <co jest? Continue reading

Phoenity Icons for SmileyAdd 1.1

2005-07-19 Addons
Description: Infinity and Beyond… Phoenity is a new term, created by chance, cannot be found in any online dictionaries and references. This term is actually originated from the combination of the word Phoenix and Infinity. This site introduces a whole new set of icons called Phoenity. The simplicity and beauty of the icons have evolved into a whole family.(Description from phoenity.com) The icons included in this pack were created by Lim Chee Aun and are available at http://phoenity. Continue reading

Phoenity Smilies for ieView 1.1

2005-07-19 Addons
Description: Infinity and Beyond… Phoenity is a new term, created by chance, cannot be found in any online dictionaries and references. This term is actually originated from the combination of the word Phoenix and Infinity. This site introduces a whole new set of icons called Phoenity. The simplicity and beauty of the icons have evolved into a whole family.(Description from phoenity.com) The icons included in this pack were created by Lim Chee Aun and are available at http://phoenity. Continue reading

MSN 6.2 emoticons 0.3a

2005-07-01 Addons
Description: -=How to use MSN 6.2 emoticons=- This is the .asl file for MSN Messenger 6.2 emoticons. Just copy it into a folder and also copy all .gif files from http://www.myemoticons.com/emoticons/smileys.htm into it. Then point the IEView emoticon settings to the .asl file. That’s all, dude!!! Download

MinoSmileys (Alpha effect works) 1.0

2005-06-30 Addons
Description: The smiley-package consists of 19 smileys, which have the size of 19*19. The smileys can be shown as gif-files or as png-files. The Smileys in the png-fileform have alphachannel effect for smooth edges - only works with IEView 1.4 or higher. It can convert almost all commands of the MSN-messenger and other popular commands. The screenshot shows the 19 smilies of the current package. I hope you enjoy the package I would like you to give comments on it. Continue reading
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