Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Original Gangsta Emotes for SmileyAdd 0.0.1

2004-04-06 Addons
Description: This is the first release of Original Gangsta Emotes pack for SmileyAdd (16x16 icons). Use it with a background that is not too dark or the antialiasing will not be perfect. Please report bugs! Thanks for MatriX for these wonderful icons!! —— Maybe in the future I`ll create icons with alphablending. Sorry for my bad english… Download

MathEmote&GangstaEmoteHybrid 0.1.1

2003-07-11 Addons
Description: Since the Chances for a plugin that makes typing formulae (LaTeX/MathML/?) seem quite slim, I created this Emoticon Sets for nConvers and SmileyAdd. This is a Hybrid of my MathEmotes with the Original Gangsa Emotes (15x15). thanks to MatriX for his permission to merge our packs. For a list of current character-kombinations, see RegEx.txt included in the archive. Download

nConvers MathEmotes 0.1.1

2003-07-11 Addons
Description: Since the Chances for a plugin that makes typing formulae possible (LaTeX/MathML/?) seem quite slim, I created this Emoticon Set for nConvers. I’d love to receive feedback: -what symbols are needed ? -which system of RegEx’s would be suitable ? -Is this of any use at all ? :) You can reach me via ICQ : 3748639 Jabber: lordhelmchen@jabber.org email : me@lordhelmchen.net Download

SmileyAdd MathEmotes 0.1.1

2003-07-11 Addons
Description: Since the Chances for a plugin that makes typing formulae possible (LaTeX/MathML/?) seem quite slim, I created this Emoticon Set for nConvers, of which this is the port to SmileyAdd. I’d love to receive feedback: -what symbols are needed ? -which system of RegEx’s would be suitable ? -Is this of any use at all ? :) You can reach me via ICQ : 3748639 Jabber: lordhelmchen@jabber.org email : me@lordhelmchen. Continue reading
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