Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

G.A.N.T 0.2

2004-02-23 Addons
Description: G.A.N.T icon-set for Miranda —————————— original icons by Mattahan (http://mattahan.deviantart.com) compiled by jim-phelps (http://jim-phelps.deviantart.com) I’d like to thank Mattahan for this awesome icon-set and for letting me release these Miranda-DLLs. WinXP or higher is needed (sorry Win2K-users) Download

amicons 2.8

2004-02-02 Addons
Description: Set of icons for ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Jabber, GG (GaduGadu), Tlen, WP Kontakt, Phantom, Netsend and even more. All sets have complete 10 icons and could be virtually used for any protocol. In addition set of emoticons in both, nConvers and SmileyAdd formats. In this version ONLY Windows XP is supported due to alphablending used in all protocol icons. Emoticons could be used with any Windows system (9x, Me, 2000, XP). Continue reading

OpusOS 1.5

2004-02-02 Addons
Description: made to match the OpusOS-suite. I’d like to thank Armlann (he made the original trillian-skin) for hooking me up with his icons and b0se for this great VS. Download
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