Description: Actually it’s a bit modification (mod) of "Original Gangsta Icons" (c) by MatriX
I took proto icons and replaced invisible icon to online icon of Corp proto - look at scrennshot.
made all icons for Win2k/9x.
*_2k.dll - for Win2k/9x
*_xp.dll - for WinXP/2003
I’ve made Gangsta connecting icons for using with CList_MW (take the latest one from there - look at screenshot.
To make it work take proto_conn_*.
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Description: It’s a pack of different iconsets (status + main menu icons + connecting icons for CList_MW + tabSRMM iconpack) by mugzLESS theme (mainly mugzLESS 0.3 by m.u.g.z.
Description: New miranda desktop icon, with the traditional red and yellow colors. Just try it if you dont like the default icon… If u people like it, i can make various styles… :)