Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

>a0x set 2<[b]

2005-12-09 Addons
Description: This is my second icon set, it is very similar to the previous one. I made it for myself but I hope You will find it useful. There are four sets and main icons set. There are also *.ico files so you can change sth;) For unofficial, prerelease updates visit: http://www.a0x.info If You want to mobilize me to ulterior work, my e-mail is: a0x@toya.net.pl :) I’m waiting for opinions and suggestions… Continue reading

Heart By Ultraman 1.0

2005-12-03 Addons
Description: Here’s a great work from a great french gui’er : Some Status icons originally made for adium and ported by me for Miranda-IM with his permission. Please before downloading visit his website at http://www.ultradesks.com/ …Thanks and enjoy Download

Stone 0.008

2005-11-11 Addons
Description: Stone skin for Miranda IM. overwiew: http://etplanet.com/miranda/Geya/stone.jpg contains: Protocol iconpacks: AIM, C6,GG, GoogleTalk, ICQ, IRC, JABBER, METACONTACTS,QQ, MSN, mTV, RSS, SKYPE, TLEN, WEATHER, WEBVIEW, WOLDTIME, YAHOO. Proto_connect icons for all protocol iconpacks. Need clist_mw or clist_modern instaled proto_connect icons for clist_nicer Global iconpacks. Main iconpack. Extra iconpack for clist_mw&clist_modern.(for clist_nicer change it with IconLib using "import icon" button) Put all items from above in "icons" folder in your Miranda directory. Continue reading

Szandor01 - Iconpack 1.1

2005-10-25 Addons
Description: A simple square iconpack for those who like such. All icons are in 8, 24 and 32 bit formats and the correct icon should be selected automatically. The LAN-set is created for WinPopup, but can be used for any protocol since it contains all status icons. These icons are completely free for personal use, but if you modify them in any way and make them availible for download, proper credit must be given. Continue reading
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