Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Gmail Notifier Icon Pack 1.0

2011-10-05 Addons
Description: This is a more Gmail-like set of icons mainly for use with the Gmail Notifier plugin. They are borrowed from the Gmail Manager Firefox extension (small changes made). Therefore the same license from that extension goes for these icons (details inside). Download

Fugue Icons Pack 2.2

2011-08-23 Addons
Description: Fugue Icons Pack for Miranda IM Native (http://ifugue.googlecode.com) Based on Fugue Icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane (p.yusukekamiyamane.com) Requirements: Miranda IM v0.9.., supported plugins (see DocsSupported_plugins.txt) Download

Seven Status Icons (mod) 1.2a

2011-01-31 Addons
Description: seven status icons MOD original idea & basic by belf (belf.ovh.org/) Based on Seven Icons by belf & original protocols icons Changes compared with the original set: Added icons for: ICQ, JABBER, mod XMPP, MRA, MSN This icon pack is compatible with Miranda ICE Icon pack patcher (by Induction): http://induction.mirandaim.ru/downloads/resources.zip Download
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