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唐韵 TangYun (WangXing) Icons 1.0

2008-12-22 Addons
Description: 使用汉仪王行繁字体生成. 一直非常喜欢王羲之的书法, 这款图标是专做给自己用的. Chinese - English Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1228 维基中文: 行书: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E8%A1%8C%E4%B9%A6&variant=zh-cn 王羲之: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E7%8E%8B%E7%BE%B2%E4%B9%8B&variant=zh-cn Semi-cursive script is a partially cursive style of Chinese calligraphy. Also referred to in English both as running script and by its Mandarin Chinese name, xíngshū, it is derived from clerical script, and was for a long time after its development in the first centuries AD the usual style of handwriting. Wikipedia EN - XingShu: http://en. Continue reading

唐韵 TangYun (草 Cao) Icons 1.0

2008-12-22 Addons
Description: 使用博洋草书 3500 字体生成. 堪称制作状态图标中最帅者. Chinese - English Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1219 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E8%8D%89%E4%B9%A6&variant=zh-cn Cursive script (traditional Chinese: 草書; pinyin: cǎoshū) simplified:草书, erroneously translated as Grass script, is a style of Chinese calligraphy. The name Cǎoshū is actually an abbreviation for 草率书 (cǎoshuài shū),[citation needed] meaning "sloppy script". Cursive script is faster to write than other styles, but also harder to read. It is quite often the case that persons who are capable of reading printed Chinese find themselves completely illiterate when confronted with this particular style of writing. Continue reading

Jabber X-Status (moods) 3.1

2008-10-31 Addons
Description: jabber moods icons icons for 84 moods xep 0107 v1.2rc1 +jabber_xstatus.dll with old 61 moods and 11 activity icons http://www.xmpp.org/extensions/tmp/xep-0107-1.2.html .png: 16x16, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 64x64 .ico: 16x16 http://ra.cm-soft.ru/ Download
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