Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Chrome for splash 1.0.0

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: Chrome splash screen Remember to get the whole suite: Chrome for modern clist @ http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3921 Chrome for tabsrmm @ http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3943 Chrome for popup plus @ http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3922 Chrome for tipper @ http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=3945 You can also download the entire package, already configured and with its own installer at: http://miranda.net63.net Download

唐韵 TangYun (大篆 DaZhuan) Icons 1.0.1

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: 使用金文大篆体生成. Chinese - English - DaZhuan - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1308 大篆是西周时期普遍采用的字体,相传为夏朝伯益所创。针对不同的书写媒介,大篆亦有金文(或称“钟鼎文”)、籀文之别。 金文是铭刻在古代一切铜器上的文字,西周和春秋时期,各诸侯国的字体有些区别,出土的各种铜器上铭刻的文字并不通用,年代不同也有所变化。 籀文是周朝晚期使用的文字,为显示国威,于是将原本的钟鼎文的文字,繁化而成为籀文,详见《史籀篇》。亦是小篆的前身,由于在周朝晚期史籀作的《史籀篇》中收藏有223个字,因此叫籀文,据说“籀”的意思是“诵读”。唐朝时出土的“石鼓文”据考证是周宣王打猎时所刻,推测和《史籀篇》中文字相似,是目前可见,最接近籀文的代表。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%A4%A7%E7%AF%86&variant=zh-cn Large Seal script or Great Seal script (Chinese 大篆 Dàzhuàn) is a traditional reference to Chinese writing from before the Qin dynasty, and is now popularly understood to refer narrowly to the writing of the Western and early Eastern Zhou dynasties, and more broadly to also include the oracle bone script. The term is in contrast to the name of the official script of the Qin dynasty, which is often called Small or Lesser Seal Script (小篆 Xiǎozhuàn, also termed simply seal script). Continue reading

唐韵 TangYun (小篆 XiaoZhuan) Icons 1.0.1

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: 使用北師大說文小篆生成. Chinese - English - XiaoZhuan - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1304 小篆是在秦始皇统一中国后(前221年),推行“书同文,车同轨”,统一度量衡的政策,由宰相李斯负责,在秦国原来使用的大篆籀文的基础上,进行简化,取消其他六国的异体字,创制的统一文字汉字书写形式。一直在中国流行到西汉末年(约公元8年),才逐渐被隶书所取代。但由于其字体优美,始终被书法家所青睐。又因为其笔画复杂,形式奇古,而且可以随意添加曲折,印章刻制上,尤其是需要防伪的官方印章,一直采用篆书,直到封建王朝覆灭,近代新防伪技术出现。现代的康熙字典上所有的字还注有小篆写法。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E5%B0%8F%E7%AF%86&variant=zh-cn Lesser or Small Seal Script (小篆 Xiaozhuan), or Hsiao-chuan is associated with the work on Chinese characters compiled by Li Si during the Qin Dynasty under the First Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang. Before the Qin conquest of the last remaining six of the Seven Warring States of China, local styles of characters eveloved independent of one another for centuries producing what are called the Six States Scripts 六國文字. Continue reading

唐韵 TangYun (楷书 KaiShu) Icons 1.0

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: 使用微软简行楷生成. Chinese - English - KaiShu - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1288 楷书又称“正书”,或称“真书”,是汉字书法中常见的一种字体。字形较为正方,不像隶书写成扁形。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E6%A5%B7%E4%B9%A6&variant=zh-cn The regular script or standard script, or in Chinese kaishu (simplified Chinese: 楷书; traditional Chinese: 楷書; pinyin: kǎishū) and Japanese kaisho, also commonly known as standard regular (正楷), is the newest of the Chinese calligraphy styles (appearing by the Cao Wei dynasty ca. 200 CE and maturing stylistically around the 7th century), hence most common in modern writings and publications (after the non-calligraphic printing Song Ti). Continue reading

唐韵 TangYun (章草 ZhangCao) Icons 1.0

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: 使用章草生成. Chinese - English - ZhangCao - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1300 章草,草书的一种,由隶书直接演变而来,“凡草书分波磔者名章草”[1],起于西汉,成熟于东汉。 章草的起源,按照唐朝张怀瓘主张,“章草者,汉黄门令史游所作也。”“因章帝所好名焉。”[2],认为章草起于史游所做的《急就章》,得名于汉章帝。另有因《急就章》得名和因用于章奏而得名的说法。 著名的章草作品有《平复帖》(陆机)等。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E7%AB%A0%E8%8D%89&variant=zh-cn Download

唐韵 TangYun (褚楷 ZhuKai) Icons 1.0

2008-12-30 Addons
Description: 使用汉仪褚楷繁生成, 非常喜爱的书法家. Chinese - English - KaiShu - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1292 褚遂良(596年—658年或659年),字登善,唐朝政治家,书法家。钱塘人(今浙江杭州)。 博学多才,精通文史。隋末时跟随薛举为通事舍人。后在唐朝任谏议大夫,中书令等职。贞观二十三年(649年),与长孙无忌同受太宗遗诏辅政。唐高宗欲立武则天为皇后,褚遂良与长孙无忌坚决反对。武后即位后,遭贬斥而死。 褚工于书法,初学虞世南,后取法王羲之,与欧阳询,虞世南,薛稷并称“初唐四大家”。其特点是善把虞、欧笔法融为一体,方圆兼备,舒展自如。《唐人书评》中把褚遂良的字誉为“字里金生,行间玉润,法则温雅,美丽多方”,宋代大书法家米芾也称颂他为“九奏万舞,鹤鹭充庭,锵玉鸣珰,窈窕合度”。传世的墨迹有《倪宽赞》,大字《阴符经》,他还临摹过王羲之的《兰亭序》。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E8%A4%9A%E9%81%82%E8%89%AF&variant=zh-cn Chu Suiliang (褚遂良) (597-658), courtesy name Dengshan (登善), formally Duke of Henan (河南公), was a chancellor of the Chinese dynasty Tang Dynasty, during the reigns of Emperor Taizong and Emperor Taizong’s son Emperor Gaozong. He became increasingly trusted by Emperor Taizong toward the end of his reign and was charged with the responsibilities of serving as the imperial historian and providing honest advice. Continue reading

唐韵 TangYun (MiFei) Icons 1.0

2008-12-29 Addons
Description: 使用书体坊米芾体生成. Chinese - English - XingShu - IM Status Dictionary: http://lancaster.themex.net/archives/1283 米芾[1](1051年-1107年[2]),北宋书画家。初名黻[3],字元章,时人号襄阳漫士、海岳外史,自号鹿门居士。 米芾原籍襄阳(今属湖北),后定居润州(今江苏镇江)。因其衣着行为以及迷恋书画珍石的态度皆被当世视为癫狂,故又有“米颠”之称。米芾于砚,素有研究,宋·何蘧《春渚纪闻》记载宋徽宗召米芾写字,米芾看到皇帝桌上有名砚,米芾一写完字,就抱上砚台跪请曰:“此砚经臣濡染,不可复以进御,取进止。”让皇帝把砚台赐给他,皇帝答应他,便急着把砚台抱回,连衣服都染黑了。《志林》记米芾得一砚山而抱眠三日。著有《砚史》一书。是北宋著名书法家、鉴定家、画家、收藏家。 他的儿子米友仁也是一代书法名家,米芾甚至觉得右军(王羲之)不如其子。 米芾为著名书画家和文物鉴赏家,与苏轼、黄庭坚、蔡襄并称宋代四大家,他擅长楷、行、草、蒃、隶等多种字体,尤以行草最为著名。 《雪堂书评》中评论米芾的书法特点为:“风樯阵马,沉着痛快”。 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=%E7%B1%B3%E8%8A%BE&variant=zh-cn Mi Fu (Chinese: 米黻; pinyin: Mǐ Fú, 1051–1107)[1], also known as Mi Fei (米芾), was a Chinese painter, poet, and calligrapher born in Taiyuan, Shanxi during the Song Dynasty. In painting he gained renown for his style of painting misty landscapes. This style would be deemed the "Mi Fu" style and involved the use of large wet dots of ink applied with a flat brush. Continue reading
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