Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

xpk Connection Icons 1.0

2010-01-22 Addons
Description: Based on icons from xpk PixelPerfect by Pavel Kiselev (pk69.com) http://addons.miranda-im.org/details.php?action=viewfile&id=2559 This icon pack is compatible with Miranda ICE Icon pack patcher (by Induction): http://induction.mirandaim.ru/downloads/resources.zip Download

Tengwar Icons 1.0

2010-01-16 Addons
Description: Tengwar, 精灵语之一, 《魔戒》作者托尔金曾为其笔下的中土世界发明庞大复杂,且体系完整的语言;实际上,身为语言学家的托尔金,当初乃是出自于其对语言的喜好,才着手发明这些语言,而其中最有名的,便是在他各种相关作品中,大量出现的精灵语. 维基中文: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/%E7%B2%BE%E7%81%B5%E8%AF%AD Tengwar is a script that was invented by J.R.R. Tolkien. In his works, the tengwar script, invented by Fëanor, was used to write a number of the languages of Middle-earth, including Quenya and Sindarin. However, it can also be used to write other languages, such as English (most of Tolkien’s tengwar samples are actually in English). The word tengwar is Quenya for "letters". The corresponding singular is tengwa, "letter". Continue reading
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