Phoenity-Miranda Whole Icon set
Description: A really complete icon pack in phoenity style.
Probably at the moment the most complete iconpack for Miranda Im.
Shure the only always up to date and with complete documentation and with resource files to personalize your icon libraries.
Icon format: 16*16, 32bits+alpha (WinXp style).
Resource.rc is a resource file for make a dll icon library
with ‘Icon Set DLL HowTo 2.0’ maded by Bill "InvisiBill" Talcott.
Supported plugins:
- on general iconset:
.clist_nicer (any version)
.clist_modern (any version)
. …
- on protocols iconset
.Contact Merge Plugin
.ICQ xstatus
- on dialogs iconset
- on plugin_library_1 iconset
- on plugin_library_2 iconset
- on plugin_library_3 iconset
.authorization state
- on plugin_library_4 iconset
.smart auto away
.sound volume
- Fingerprint (fingerprint iconset)
- WhenWasItBirthday (whenwasit iconset)
- Historystats (historystats iconset)
- userinfoex (userinfoex iconset)
- tabsrmm_icons (tabSRMM_icons.dll)
- History++ (historypp_icons.dll)
- Winamp control (only icon, dll not need)
- ieview history images (*.gif format)
- absolute emoticons collection (*.png format)
- absolute avatars collection (*.png format)
Supported protocol:
.AIM, C6, GaduGadu, ICQ, IRC, Jabber, MSN, Skype, Tlen, Yahoo, Metacontact (dnload phoenity-miranda 10++ protocol icon pack)
.bnet, iChat, MRA, netsend, NIM, phantomuser, ping, QQ, quickchat, RSSnews, RVP, Spinchat, Virtualgroup, vychat,
vypresschat,Wallachat, Webview, Worldtime, GoogleTalk, Sip, winpopupprotocol, mRadio, mTV (dnload phoenity-miranda yet another protocol icon pack)
.Weather (download phoenity-miranda weather icon set)
.animated connection icon for each protocol (download phoenity-miranda connection icon pack)
- an OS that supports 32bits format icons
- Miranda IM version 0.5 or later
- Icons Library Manager or later (made by Joe@Whale) (
- ‘Icon Set DLL HowTo 2.0’ if you want use the source (
Ideated By cheeaun
Developed By zappo.drago.tappo
Thanks to InvisiBill and to Joe@Whale
Any segnalation will be pleasant.