Gadu-Gadu 7.0 emoticons 1.1
Description: This file is using Standard gadu-gadu emoticons.
Gadu-Gadu emoticons
Optimized for Gadu-Gadu 7.0 Emoticons
The GG.asl file uses Standard gadu-gadu emoticons from Gadu-Gadu 7.0,
(three directories "1", "2" and "3" from by default -> "c:Program FilesGadu-Gaduemots")
Copy unzipped file (GG.asl) and directores (1,2,3) to your ’emots’ folder of your
installation of Miranda (By default "C:Program FilesMiranda IMSkinsEmots").
IEView (ver. <
point to this file from IEView settings panel in Miranda Preferences - ‘Emoticons’ tabsheet
point to this file in Miranda Preferences - Customise - Emoticons
Everything works like in original client ! :)
I recommend to use Smileyadd because IEView has some limition of available icons.