Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Gadu-Gadu emoticons (ONLY .asl file) 1.2

2005-08-23 Addons


Description: This file is using Standard gadu-gada emoticons. So you must have these standard gadu-gadu client installed.

Copy unzipped file (GaduGadu.asl) to your ’emots’ folder of your
installation of Gadu-Gadu (By default c:/Program Files/Gadu-Gadu/emots/).
Then point to this file from IEView settings pane in Miranda Preferences - ‘Emoticons’ tabsheet.

This set of icons does not contain emoticons containg spaces. Such emoticons are not supported by Miranda. These emoticons are: <z jezorem>, <pokazal jezyk>, <urwanie glowy>, <buja w oblokach>, <czyta gazete>, <do bani> , <co jest?>, <nie powiem>, <3m sie>, <jestem z glupkiem>, <boje sie>.
