Miranda NG

Next Generation of Miranda IM

Original Gangsta Icons Mod

2005-01-28 Addons


Description: Actually it’s a bit modification (mod) of "Original Gangsta Icons" (c) by MatriX

I took proto icons and replaced invisible icon to online icon of Corp proto - look at scrennshot.

  • made all icons for Win2k/9x.

    *_2k.dll - for Win2k/9x
    *_xp.dll - for WinXP/2003

  • BONUS:
    I’ve made Gangsta connecting icons for using with CList_MW (take the latest one from there - http://files.miranda-im.org/testing/). look at screenshot.
    To make it work take proto_conn_*.dll and rename by template:
    >>> proto_conn_[proto].dll

    For example:
    > proto_conn_icq2.dll
    > proto_conn_msn.dll


    And when you try to connect to network you’ll see animated status icon.

    Any suggestions and comments please post to my PM (http://forums.miranda-im.org/private.php?do=newpm&u=335) or by mail (faith@inbox.ru)

    Enjoy! :)
