Combined GangstaMSN Emotes 0.91
Description: This is just a .msl file to be used in conjunction with neo’s SmileyAdd version of MatriX’s OG Emotes (available at that combines the two original msl files together. Where possible I’ve given precedence to the MSN smiley settings, but it’s not always worked out - after staring at some 120 smileys for a couple of hours I started to go cross-eyed.
This definitions file now includes all of the smileys in the library with the following exceptions:
Smileys 39 and 68 are blank/template faces, and so left out
Smiley 54 and 103 are unassigned (because I can’t think of anything that works with them)
bat (103) is not added because it clashes with other smiley definitions
The library does not a goat (nah), but if I can find a good 16x16 version I may see if I can get it updated.