Latest version
Date | Version | Type of installation | Filename | Link | Size |
29.03.2022 | MirandaHotCoffee_1.0_x64.exe | download | 29 MB | ||
29.03.2022 | MirandaHotCoffee_1.0_x86.exe | download | 28 MB |
Self compilation
And so it happened that our pack received its name in the honor of that wonderful drink, and the word "Hot" means that a drink is ready to be used immediately.
According to the above mentioned, everybody has the opportunity to "make coffee" himself from "freshly ground Arabica beans".

To do this, clone the HotCoffee build project and run the "build.cmd" file. After completion, two installation files (x64 and x86) will be placed to the "output" folder.
Updating without an installer
Main menu → Update → Check for updates
Immediately after the update, it is recommended to install your favorite set of icons:
Main menu → View → Icons → set of icons